Priestess Trainings, Prerequisites, and Path to Ordination


Awaken the Priestess Part i and ii

Awaken the Priestess has two trainings which can be taken independently from each other. These trainings are for intermediate to advanced practitioners, this means either women that have a minimum of 4 + years of dedicated spiritual practice within another school/modality, OR who have worked with Elizabeth and taken Dialogue with Divine Mother and either Divine Embodiment Training or Holy Whore. Part I and II may be taken as stand-alone immersive trainings or as a part of a full ordination training. Awaken the Priestess both I and II offer advanced practices for the individual practitioner or Priestess, as well as prepare one for service within the Hive Temple creation, the Temple of Sacred Being.

Full Priestess Training and Ordination

Elizabeth with be offering a full three-year Priestess Training which will include Ordination. Dialogue with Divine Mother and Divine Embodiment Training are prerequisites for this immersive training. The work will take place partially online with in-person retreats. The first launch of this path of Priestesshood will begin Fall 2023. Please contact Elizabeth if interested.

I’m a beginner and I’m interested in becoming a Priestess…

Welcome! We are so happy you are interested in this path! Your first step is to enroll in Dialogue with Divine Mother and either Divine Embodiment Training or Holy Whore. These can be taken as a group program or through 1:1 work with Elizabeth.