Holy Dark
A 4-month Adventure into Divine Darkness
The Dark can mean many things the Void, Source. The dark is that which lies beyond the veil, the Great Mystery. It can represent that which we fear, that which we push into shadow, our demons that hold gold within their hearts and are the key to our own wholeness. It is also the womb, a place of deep comfort, of fertility, rich and fecund soil, the womb for seed and the powers to gestate. These are all aspects of the Holy Dark.
This course is a journey into the magic, mystery, and divine power of darkness. During these dark months of the year, we will dance with the darkness, learn how to step behind the veil, alchemize shadows, and resource powers of creative fertility. Within an intimate practice group, you will deepen and develop a relationship with Divine Mother Dark, as well as your own darkness within, learning to resource the medicine of darkness for love, trust, nektar and power.
This 4-month Journey begins with Samhain…
a festival in honor of the dead that welcomes in the coming months of darkness. Our work will open with ceremony to cross the threshold into the arms of Mother Dark. This work will move through the Winter months, with ceremonies that mark Yule, the darkest night of the year, and Imbolc (in early February) a day that marks the return of the light. Our practices will mirror the wisdom of nature and the attunement of the Moon.
We will be exploring 3 powerful aspects of the Holy Dark:
The Veil and the Void: During this first portion of the work you will learn stillness meditation practices of deep receptivity rather than rigidity. These practices drop you deep into Divine presence and cultivate relationship with the true infinite Self within. You will also learn practices for crossing the Veil to receive nectarous wisdom through shamanic journeying, dreamwork, and learning how to make and work with a Black Mirror.
The Darkest Night: The Darkest night is a journey into the depths of the Self through courageous exploration of the shadow. The shadow holds the aspects of the self that we have repressed. In repressing aspects of self we become fractured and trapped in wounding. Shadow work is the ultimate healing work because it rejoins those cast out parts back into our wholeness. In this container you will learn a powerful shadow work practice Dancing with the Divine Demon, that empowers you to meet your shadow parts as their divine expression, alchemizing them into wholeness and receiving their medicinal gifts.
The Fertile Darkness: Darkness is the place of germination, darkness is the womb, all of creation is birthed from darkness. This last portion of the course will focus on darkness in its creative properties. You will learn embodiment and meditation practices that focus on igniting creative life force, ceremonies of manifestation, as well as practical guidance in birthing dreams into reality.
Holy Dark Details
All Sessions will take place on Zoom from 5:00-7:00pm PST. The session recording will be sent out the following day. Live sessions are recommended as there will be opportunities to share about the work and receive personalized instruction, however, this course can also be done on your own time and is yours to keep forever. There will be a private Facebook group for digesting content, sharing experiences, and support between sessions. There is an optional upgrade that includes private sessions with Elizabeth for those wanting to receive individualized support and instruction.
Ceremony: Ceremony nights are in honor of the three pagan holy days that take place during the dark of the year; Samhain, Yule, and Imbolc. Each ceremony is a deep dive into the magic and medicine of the symbolic and vibrational power of these days. They are potent rituals that heal and open participants to the divine energies we are working with, allowing the practices learned to be applied to spiritual work.
Moon Practicums: There are 8 practicums that correspond to the New and Full moons of each month. Within these sessions, participants will learn practices that deepen their relationship with the Holy Dark in three folds: The Veil & the Void, The Darkest Night, and the Fertile Darkness. These include meditations of stillness and receptivity, crossing the veil through shamanic journeying and divining with the black mirror, Dancing with the Divine Demon, somatic alchemy practices, and more.
Divine Mother Healing, Dark Mother Wisdom and Discussion Group: These sessions take place once a month. They include an hour Divine Mother healing around the content we are working with as well as direct Divine wisdom from the Dark Mothers about our course content on the Holy Dark. This will be followed by a discussion group to digest learnings and discoveries.
The Veil and the Void
November 1st Tuesday, Samhain Ceremony (*Start time 6:30pm PST)
November 6th Sunday, Full Moon Practicum
November 20th Sunday, Divine Mother Healing, Dark Mother Wisdom, and Discussion Group
November 23rd Wednesday, New Moon Practicum
December 7th Thursday, Full Moon Practicum
The Darkest Night -Dancing with the Divine Demon
December 18th Sunday, Divine Mother Healing, Dark Mother Wisdom, and Discussion Group
December 21st Wednesday, Yule Ceremony + New Moon Practicum
January 6th Friday, Full Moon Practicum
January 15th Sunday, Divine Mother Healing, Dark Mother Wisdom, and Discussion Group
January 23rd Monday, New Moon Practicum
February – The Fertile Darkness
February 1st Wednesday, Imbolc Ceremony
February 6th Monday, Full Moon
February 20th Monday, New Moon
February 26th Sunday, Divine Mother Healing, Dark Mother Wisdom, and Discussion Group